Board of Directors
The Peace Development Fund board of directors is composed of dedicated people from across the country that reflect the communities that we serve. Many are activists within their own communities and all understand the importance of peace and social justice and supporting oppressed communities. This is important to the foundation, as it is a way to ground and tie our work directly to those who we support. Watch “In Our Own Words” where PDF’s board talks about PDF’s place in the social justice movement.

Teresa Juarez, Chimayo, NM: President
Teresa Juarez is a long time social activist. She runs the Teh-Luh-Lah Learning and Healing Center and is the lead organizer of the New Mexico Alliance.
Yi-Chun Tricia Lin, New Haven, CT
Tricia Lin is Director and Professor of the Women’s Studies Program at Southern Connecticut State University, where she works for gender, racial, socio-economic and other forms of justice, in the classroom and beyond. She is the editor of a special issue on transnational Indigenous feminism with Lectora (University of Barcelona), forthcoming in 2016. Tricia is also the recent President of National Women’s Studies Association.
Tina Reynolds, New York, NY: Secretary
Tina Reynolds is Co-Founder and Chair of Women on the Rise Telling HerStory (WORTH). She is an adjunct professor at York -CUNY, and is a board member of JusticeWorks Community and the Coalition for Parole Restoration. In her work over the past 15 years, Tina has partnered with formerly and imprisoned women to challenge and offer solutions to policies and other barriers women and families face during and after incarceration. She has published pieces on the abolition of prisons, the impact of incarceration on women and children and is an editor of an anthology Interrupted Life.
Daniel W. Schreck, Chimayo, NM
Daniel Schreck has been in the foundation world for nearly 30 years, including the Abelard Foundation (where he was also president), National Network of Grantmakers and The Funding Exchange. He continues his work through his donor-advised fund at PDF, The Aztlan Fund. It supports work in indigenous country, and tries to, at least at a seed level, continue the work of the Paul Robeson Fund for Film and Media at The Funding Exchange. The late Saul Landau was very instrumental in mentoring Daniel on the idea of becoming an executive producer, and to fund indigenous people to retain their intellectual property rights by filming their own cultural material. Daniel is the producer of “The St. Patrick’s Battalion.”
Donté Smith, Kansas City, MO
Donté Smith (they/them) is a national lecturer, health educator, and cultural curator known for their diverse range of clients from large Southern US county health departments to DIY punk rock of colors music festivals and innovative approaches to community engagement and public health.
Donté is an alumnus of Georgetown University and co-creator of the Black & Brown Punk Show (Chicago 2009-2015), which spurned 6 direct spin-off festivals also nurtured by Donté’s guidance (in the last decade, which all blended cultural events with STI testing initiatives. A previously incarcerated political prisoner from the School of the Americas Watch movement in 2006, Donté’s riveting jailhouse sentencing speech was recently published by University of California in “Solidarity Witness: Collective Resistance to the US Security State” by Chandra Russo.
Diagnosed as living with HIV in their early 20s, Donté led a Chicago AmeriCorps AIDS United team in 2012 to be awarded the Alexian Bros. Award of Excellence for their sustainable garden project for a community of people living with HIV in a food deserted South Chicago and was also a 2020 Human
Rights Campaign ELEVATE fellow linking people of color of transgender experience across the South who were changing the face of the US public health workforce during COVID-19.
Earl Tulley, Window Rock, AZ: Treasurer
Earl Tulley, a lifelong activist for the Navajo Nation, is co-founder and Vice President of Diné Citizens Against Ruining Our Environment.