Harmony for Humanity: PDF’s Spotify Playlist of Protest Anthems Published on July 26, 2023

Peace Development Fund is thrilled to announce the release of our specially curated Spotify Playlist, Harmony for Humanity: Protest Anthems from Peace Development Fund, spanning six decades of powerful social justice and protest anthems. From the timeless calls to action in ‘We Shall Overcome’ and ‘Blowin’ in the Wind,’ to contemporary anthems such as ‘This Is America’ and ‘Formation,’ this collection captures the spirit of activism through the ages. Our playlist moves from traditional hymns of hope, through classic protest songs, into the heart of modern struggles, and ends on a hopeful note for a more equitable future. The blend of voices from different eras and genres harmoniously delivers a profound musical narrative that reverberates with our collective pursuit for peace and justice. Tune in to hear the melodies of resistance that have echoed through the decades, and continue to inspire our work today.